Sunday, 12 November 2017

Eagle In Flight

This is Majestic, it just had me in a state of receiving when I saw it, this image has more meaning than one, and I did acknowledge it.

Monday, 16 October 2017

A Firey Sunset

This was a spectacular view as the sunset went out with bright red Colors and golden hues. 

I could not believe my eyes as I saw the sun setting as it disappeared just leaving the sky with a burst of brights colors all over the sky everywhere. 

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Parrots On Parade.

Look at all that beauty look at all that flare, look at the beautiful colors of these lavish birds that noisily fly through the sky of air.

Parrots with colors so pretty and bright, always looking so fresh and clean in the day or at sunlight.

These birds make a place feel lime a Paradise, with their exotic colors that brighten up one's eyes.

With a loud command of voice, they always display, like planes of birds telling others to get out their way.

And when they come around it is always in a beautiful way, with wings outstretch and embracing the delicate wind of air.

I just like to see them and they are a favorite of mine, I watched them and I also see that they know the time.

They rise early in the morning and go on they way, and when the sun is setting it's back to their homes until another day.

Such brilliance of mind, these little birds always work with mother nature's universal time :)

Just look at all their colors they come in red, white, green, orange, purple and blue, they come in yellow-brown, pink, lime green, and other colors with a difference of hue.

Such brilliance in the air, these lavish birds that fly with the finest of flare.

Yes! They do make a loud noise as they bird talk to each other, maybe they are challenging each other to fly higher and faster :))

Monday, 30 January 2017

Yellow Hibiscus You Are A Rare Looking One.

This is a yellow hibiscus a rare one that I have never seen, with it's soft mellow  color that shines with a sutle gleam, and as it so calmly shows, at everyone's eyes when they pass to wherever they might go. 

Yellow Flower Bud

So bright so yellow so pretty and sweet, a flower in a place where the bees and butterflies like to meet.