Sunday, 5 June 2016

Bell Flower

One big bell flower, soiled from the dew but iit's still yellow, big and round garping hole, with little flowers inside like little hands to hold.

Pink And Pretty Flower Vines

Pink and pretty flower vines, with llittle bees that keep buzzing around all the time, going to flower to flower next door, and looking for the nectar that is so sweet for sure.

Purple Three Leaf Pop

Purple three leaf pop, and down below some of them are growing below the one on top, just purple precious and wide, with a hint of yellow stubs than can never hide.

Pink And Thin

Pink and thin but pretty flower leaves it bring, bunch together with a ruffle of fine leaves, always beautiful to look at and they would'nt make you sneeze.

Red Small Flowers

Red small flowers displays their art, so very small but in nature they take part.
To show the beauty of their special face that radiates all over the place.

Double Ruffle Pom Pom

A double ruffle pom pom ,but its not for a cheer learders can can, its just beautiful flowers displayed, ruffle in nature and not to wear in hand ir hair.

Fancy Flowers

Fancy flower suited in fine wear, ruffle at top and with a bright yellow inside flare.

Little Flower Clovers

Little flower clovers all hanging out together , with beautiful colors of red and a mix of yellow stems embedded in head.

Pink Flower Leafy Show

Pink flower leafy spots dripping wet with the rain's dew drop, as it makes the leaves all clean ready for eyes to look upon and gleam.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Bunch Not Lunch

A Ruffle Bunch looking beautifully appealing but it's not lunch.

Pink Flowery Ware

Fancy Pink Plush Ware Flower flowing in wind like flowery hair.

Blue Art Fine Flare

These Blue Flowers really set the eyes on gleam these are the finest of art that i have ever seen .

A Bed Flower Flow

Flowing Flower hedge set out like a bed looking so ccomfortable but not to lay my head.

Pink New Show

This Pink Flower With a thistle of blue I have never seen anything like this I think that it is new.

Fab Five

Beautiful all over and looking down it's core more fabulous features can be seen for sure.

Yellow Mellow

Yellow Mellow Sunny And Bright Just Glistening In The Sunlight.

Lilac Flowery Show

Lilac Petals all funnel in five and a yellow patch middle that the bees and bbutterflies all find.

White With Yellow Tip To Bare.

Standing sweet bright and light this white flower is designed so right.

Pink Flower Fancy

Wow! Look at this color so soft with a gentle gglow,just standing on tree with it's beauty to show.

Yellow Flower Five Leaf Show

Yellow and bright and standing all right this fine yellow flower is a fine mellow fellow.